check if numpy array in monotonically increasing

Numpy – Check If Array is Monotonically Increasing

A numpy array is said to be monotonically increasing if the subsequent values in the array are greater than or equal to the previous values.

Methods to check if a numpy array is monotonically increasing

check if numpy array in monotonically increasing

To check if a Numpy array is monotonically increasing, you can use one of the following methods –

  • Check if the array is sorted in ascending order – by comparing the array with a sorted copy of the array.
  • Iterate through the array and check if each value is greater than or equal to the previous value.
  • Use the numpy.diff() function to calculate the difference of the (i+1)th value from the ith value and check if it’s greater than or equal to zero for all the differences.

Let’s now look at some examples of using the above methods –

Method 1 – Check if the array is sorted

If the array is sorted in ascending order, we can say that the array is monotonically increasing.

Now, we can use the numpy.sort() function to get a sorted copy of the original array and compare it to the original array and check if all the corresponding values are the same or not in both arrays.

import numpy as np

# create numpy array
ar1 = np.array([1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7])
ar2 = np.array([1, 5, 3, 2, 7])

# check if array is monotonically increasing
print((ar1 == np.sort(ar1)).all())
print((ar2 == np.sort(ar2)).all())



We get True for the first array which is monotonically increasing and False for the second array which isn’t.

Method 2 – Iterate through the array

The idea here is to iterate through the array and see if all the values are greater than or equal to the previous values.

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Let’s take the same example as above.

import numpy as np

# create numpy array
ar1 = np.array([1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7])
ar2 = np.array([1, 5, 3, 2, 7])

# function to check if array is monotonically increasing
def is_monotonically_increasing(ar):
    for i in range(1, len(ar)):
        if ar[i] >= ar[i-1]:
            return False
    return True

# check if array is monotonically increasing



We get the same result as above.

Method 3 – Using the numpy.diff() function

In this method, we use the numpy.diff() function to calculate the one-step difference in the array, the difference of (i+1)th element with the ith element, and check if all such differences are greater than or equal to zero or not.

Let’s take the same example as above.

import numpy as np

# create numpy array
ar1 = np.array([1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7])
ar2 = np.array([1, 5, 3, 2, 7])

# check if array is monotonically increasing
print((np.diff(ar1) >= 0).all())
print((np.diff(ar2) >= 0).all())



We get the same result as above.

Here, np.diff(ar1) results in an array of differences which we compare with 0 and then check if all such comparisons result in True or not with the all() function.

Refer to this for more on the numpy.diff() function.

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  • Piyush Raj

    Piyush is a data professional passionate about using data to understand things better and make informed decisions. He has experience working as a Data Scientist in the consulting domain and holds an engineering degree from IIT Roorkee. His hobbies include watching cricket, reading, and working on side projects.

  • Tushar Mahuri
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